Joumma Bags provides final consumers and distributors (hereinafter both referred to as "users") with an online shopping service that allows them to purchase our products from their computers. Users who access the web portal (hereinafter the services) can obtain information about the products and designs created by the company itself.

We invite you to review the general terms and conditions of sale that govern the purchase of Joumma Bags products through this Website. By using this Website, you agree to these general terms and conditions of sale. However, if you have any questions about them, you can contact our Customer Service..


The following conditions regulate the sale of the products presented on this Website by the company:

JOUMMA BAGS S.L. (here in after JOUMMA BAGS)

C/Agrillent s/n

Pol. Ind. L' Altet

C.P. 46870 Ontinyent

Valencia (España)

Registered in the Commercial Registry of Valencia in Volume 8961, Book 6246, Page 192, Section 8, Sheet V131448, with a registered office for compliance with Article 10 of the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Law, at C/Agrillent s/n - Pol. Ind. L´altet, 46870 Ontinyent (Valencia), and with Tax ID B98087331.


3.1 Access to the Services

Certain sections of our services do not require prior user registration, allowing any user to freely browse and use them. Registration is only required to make purchases and access the "clients" section. These terms of use apply to all users who browse, visit the website, and interact with the portal, regardless of whether they register or not.

3.2 Proper Use of the Services

Users must use the Services diligently, correctly, and legally. In particular, and by way of example and not limitation, it is strictly prohibited to:

·Use the Services in any manner that is illegal, immoral, or contrary to generally accepted good practices and public order, or that damages image rights and honor.

· Reproduce, copy, distribute, make public, transform, or modify the Services, including the images of the textile designs from the collections shown, unless authorized by the rights holder or legally permitted.

· Engage in any activity that could be considered a violation of any intellectual or industrial property rights. a JOUMMA BAGS o a terceros.

· Use the services and, in particular, any information obtained through the website or the company's social media profiles to send advertisements, communications for direct sales purposes or any other commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to multiple recipients regardless of their purpose, as well as to commercialize or disseminate such information in any way.

The user will be liable for any damages of any kind that JOUMMA BAGS may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations mentioned above, as well as any other obligations included in these General Conditions and/or those imposed by law concerning the use of the services.

3.3 Codes of Conduct

Users may contact JOUMMA BAGS and interact in certain sections of the services as long as they comply with the following code of conduct:



· IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to present, cite, and recommend companies or websites, and in general, to perform marketing or spam actions. Such content will be removed along with the accounts that carried out such actions, and it may even be reported to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

3.4 Property Rights

All content on the website and social media profiles, such as texts, opinion articles, graphics, photographs, logos, icons, images, as well as the graphic design, source code, and software, are the exclusive property of JOUMMA BAGS or third parties whose rights are legitimately held by JOUMMA BAGS. Therefore, they are protected by national and international legislation.

The use of all elements subject to industrial and intellectual property rights for commercial purposes, as well as their distribution, modification, alteration, or decompilation, is strictly prohibited, with particular attention to all designs of the displayed collections.

3.5 Disclaimer of Warranties and Responsibilities

JOUMMA BAGS reserves the right to interrupt access to the services at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical, security, control, maintenance reasons, power supply failures, or any other justified cause. Consequently, JOUMMA BAGS does not guarantee the reliability, availability, or continuity of the services, so the use of the services by users is at their own risk and JOUMMA BAGS cannot be held responsible in this regard at any time.

Furthermore, JOUMMA BAGS assumes no responsibility for, including but not limited to:

· The use that users make of the materials provided on the website, whether prohibited or permitted, infringing the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the website's content, social media, or third-party portals.

· Any potential damages to users caused by the normal or abnormal operation of search tools, the organization or localization of content, and/or access to services, and generally, for errors or problems generated in the development or implementation of technical elements forming the service.

· The contents of pages that users may access from links included on the website or the company's social media profiles.

· Acts or omissions of third parties, regardless of whether these third parties are contractually linked to JOUMMA BAGS.

Similarly, JOUMMA BAGS excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or other harmful elements in the contents that may cause alterations in computer systems, as well as in the documents or systems stored in them, so JOUMMA BAGS will not be liable in any case when:

· Errors or delays occur in user access to services when entering their data in the corresponding form or any anomalies that may arise when these incidents are due to Internet network problems, force majeure, or any other unforeseeable contingency beyond the good faith of JOUMMA BAGS.

· Failures or incidents occur in communications, deletions, or incomplete transmissions, so the continuous operation of the services is not guaranteed.

· Errors or damages to the services are caused by inefficient and bad faith use by the user.

· Non-operability or problems with the email address provided by the user for sending requested information.

In any case, JOUMMA BAGS commits to solving any problems that may arise and to offering all necessary support to the user to reach a quick and satisfactory resolution of the incident.

Link Policy and Disclaimers

JOUMMA BAGS does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for damages suffered by accessing third-party service/content through connections, links, or links of linked sites, nor for their accuracy or reliability. The function of the links that appear on JOUMMA BAGS is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information on the Internet, where they can expand the Services offered by the Portal. JOUMMA BAGS will not be responsible in any case for the results obtained through such links or for the consequences that arise from the user's access to them. These third-party services are provided by them, so JOUMMA BAGS cannot control and does not control the legality of the Services nor their quality. Consequently, the user must exercise caution in evaluating and using the information and services existing in third-party content.

The introduction of hyperlinks for commercial purposes on websites outside JOUMMA BAGS that allow access to our services without the express consent of JOUMMA BAGS is expressly prohibited. In any case, the existence of hyperlinks on websites outside the company will not imply in any case the existence of commercial or business relationships with the owner of the website where the hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance by JOUMMA BAGS.

The provided text contains legal information and terms of service related to the company JOUMMA BAGS SL and its website. Here is a summary of the key points:

1. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

· The applicable law is Spanish law.

· In case of dispute, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Valencia, Spain.

2. Online Contracting Services:

· To use the online contracting services, it is mandatory to read and accept the general contracting conditions established by JOUMMA BAGS SL.


- Personal data will be processed lawfully and transparently.

- JOUMMA BAGS SL commits to adopting measures to ensure the accuracy and updating of data.

- Users have rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability, and opposition regarding the processing of their personal data.

General Contracting Conditions

- Personal data will be processed lawfully and transparently.

- JOUMMA BAGS SL commits to adopting measures to ensure the accuracy and updating of data.

- Users have rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability, and opposition regarding the processing of their personal data.


General Contracting Conditions:

- These govern the distance selling relationship between JOUMMA BAGS SL and the user/customer.

- Several Spanish laws apply, including consumer protection regulations and laws on electronic commerce.

- JOUMMA BAGS SL reserves the right to modify these conditions, effective upon publication on the website.


Purchase and Registration Process:

- It is necessary to register as a user on the website to make online purchases.

- Personal data collected during registration and purchase will be used to manage user actions and for loyalty purposes, with explicit consent from the user.

- The customer is responsible for the confidentiality of their username and password.

- A purchase confirmation will be sent to the customer via email after purchase. 6. Other Aspects: - All website content is in Spanish.

- The customer will receive an invoice or order copy upon receiving the product at the specified delivery address.

In summary, JOUMMA BAGS SL establishes a clear legal framework for its users and customers, detailing their rights, obligations, and procedures in case of disputes or claims related to the services offered on its website.

II. Offer and Validity

In the case of a product on offer, its essential characteristics, offer price, and validity period will always be indicated. In compliance with current regulations, JOUMMA BAGS SL provides information on all items for sale, including their characteristics and prices. However, JOUMMA BAGS SL reserves the right to withdraw, replenish, or change the products offered through its website by simply updating its content. Therefore, the products offered on the website are governed by the current General Terms and Conditions of Contract in each case. Additionally, the company reserves the right to discontinue offering access to mentioned products without prior notice and at any time.


III. Essential Product Characteristics

The products offered on our online store include a photograph and their essential characteristics, which are details obtained from the manufacturer. The color of the product, as seen in the photograph, is not binding. The product characteristics are accurately identified.


IV. Warranties

Consumers have the right to enjoy a legal warranty of 3 years for products purchased from January 1, 2022, due to material and/or manufacturing defects. This 3-year warranty complies with the legislative change in article 16.7 of Royal Decree-Law 7/2021, of April 27, and applies to products purchased from 01/01/2022 onwards. For products purchased before this date, the current legal warranty is 2 years. The warranty starts from the original purchase date of the item, and replacing the product covered by the warranty does not extend the initial duration of the commercial warranty. The warranty covers apparent manufacturing defects that may interfere with the product's normal use. However, it does not cover damage caused by external factors such as drops, impacts, fire, burns, external temperatures, negligence, theft, accidents, misuse, or modification of the product, normal wear and tear, scratches, or transportation damage (e.g., by airlines).

JOUMMA BAGS is responsible for conformity defects of all products offered on its website within the period established by current legislation. We provide after-sales service, which determines whether the issue is covered by JOUMMA BAGS's warranty. If the warranty applies, you will be informed whether the product will be repaired or replaced. The costs of repairing the products in question (or the parts) will be covered by JOUMMA BAGS, provided it is a manufacturing defect. If you wish to repair the product due to damage caused by external factors (impact, scratch, etc.) or any caused by the customer, the costs will be borne by the customer.

If your product is not covered by the warranty and you wish to repair it with us, please contact us via our email shoponline@clientes.joumma.com, provided that the necessary replacement parts are available. To use the after-sales service, the customer can visit JOUMMA BAGS facilities, contact us via our email shoponline@clientes.joumma.com, or visit the point of sale. To make use of the warranty, the original purchase receipt or invoice from JOUMMA BAGS SL is essential. Without it, we cannot proceed to evaluate or process the warranty. If in doubt, please contact our customer service phone at 962 361 097 or email us at atencionalcliente@joumma.com.

V. Prices

All products indicate the sale price in Euros and include Value Added Tax (VAT). If any other taxes apply, they will be clearly indicated (e.g., IGIC or IPSI).

VI. Delivery and Shipping Costs

JOUMMA BAGS SL only delivers to the Peninsula, Balearic Islands, and Canary Islands.

For orders over 39€, shipping costs are free.

For orders destined for the Peninsula (Spain):

- For orders over 39€ (including VAT), shipping is free with MRW.

- For orders under 39€, shipping costs are 3.95€.

For orders destined for the Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, or other European regions, customers must contact us beforehand via our contact email shoponline@joumma.com. Please provide the following information: the product you wish to purchase (name/reference number as it appears on the website), postal code, email, and address. JOUMMA BAGS SL will then contact the customer to provide a non-binding quote.

JOUMMA BAGS SL commits to delivering orders within a maximum of 24-48 hours starting from the day following the order. For deliveries to the Balearic Islands, the delivery time is 48-72 hours. For other European regions, the delivery time is confirmed when the quote is prepared.

VII. Payment Methods and Order Fulfillment

Customers can pay for their orders using any of the following methods. During the purchase process, please indicate your choice:

- Credit Card (VISA or MASTERCARD)

All operations involving the transmission of personal or banking data are carried out using a secure environment, a server based on SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology. All information transmitted to us travels encrypted over the network.

Furthermore, your credit card details are entered directly on the bank's page, on the POS (Point of Sale Terminal), and are not entered or registered on any JOUMMA BAGS SL server.

When paying with VISA or MASTERCARD, you will always be asked for the following details: card number, expiration date, and a Validation Code that matches the last three digits printed in italics on the back of your VISA or MASTERCARD, providing additional guarantees regarding transaction security.

This payment method is only valid on the website.

If a purchase amount has been fraudulently or improperly charged using a payment card number, the cardholder may demand the immediate cancellation of the charge. In such cases, corresponding debit and re-credit entries in the supplier's and cardholder's accounts will be made as soon as possible.

However, if the purchase has been effectively made by the cardholder and the demand for return is not due to exercising the right of withdrawal or resolution, and therefore the cancellation of the corresponding charge was improperly requested, the cardholder will be liable to JOUMMA BAGS SL for the damages and losses caused as a result of such cancellation.

- Bank Transfer

When selecting bank transfer, you will receive an email with JOUMMA BAGS SL's bank details along with your order confirmation.

It is very important that when making the transfer, you indicate the order number in the subject line, along with your name and surname, and that you complete the transfer within 3 days of order confirmation to validate it.

If desired, you can send us the transfer receipt via email to info@clientes.joumma.com. However, please note that the order will not be considered effective until our administration department receives bank confirmation of the transfer.

Please remember that payment must be made in EUROS and any potential exchange and banking fees are your responsibility.

For bank transfers made from outside Spain, it is crucial to always instruct your bank to cover the fees at the origin, including any banking commissions and charges from your institution. Otherwise, JOUMMA BAGS SL may withhold shipment of your order if the full amount is not received.

Any exchange and banking fees are borne by the customer.

- Cash on Delivery

If preferred, we can send your order cash on delivery, where payment is made in cash to the carrier upon delivery. In this payment method, the transport company applies a commission of 3€.

- PayPal

Enables secure and convenient online payments. PayPal's network is based on existing financial infrastructure of bank accounts and credit cards to create a global real-time payment solution. PayPal offers a service specially designed for those unsatisfied with traditional payment methods.

La disponibilidad de los productos ofrecidos por JOUMMA BAGS SL puede variar en función de la demanda de los clientes. Pese a que JOUMMA BAGS SL actualiza el stock periódicamente, el producto solicitado por el cliente podría estar agotado en ese momento. En caso de no ejecución por indisponibilidad, JOUMMA BAGS SL en el momento que tenga conocimiento de esta situación lo notificará al cliente, por medio de un correo electrónico. El periodo de esta comunicación no superará en ningún caso el plazo máximo de 30 días. JOUMMA BAGS SL podrá dar la doble opción de: suministrar al cliente sin aumento de precio, un producto de características similares o de superior calidad, o salvo razones justificadas y demostrables por JOUMMA BAGS SL dentro de este mismo periodo abonar las sumas pagadas por el pedido anulado. En el supuesto de que JOUMMA BAGS SL no realice este abono en el plazo señalado, el comprador podrá reclamar que se le pague el doble de la suma adeudada, sin perjuicio a su derecho de ser indemnizado.

More information available on PayPal's website: http://www.paypal.com.

The availability of products offered by JOUMMA BAGS SL may vary depending on customer demand. Despite JOUMMA BAGS SL updating stock periodically, the product requested by the customer may be out of stock at that time. In the event of non-execution due to unavailability, JOUMMA BAGS SL will notify the customer via email upon becoming aware of the situation. The communication period will not exceed 30 days under any circumstances. JOUMMA BAGS SL may offer the customer two options: supply a product with similar or superior features at no additional cost, or, unless justified and demonstrable reasons by JOUMMA BAGS SL within the same period, refund the sums paid for the canceled order. If JOUMMA BAGS SL does not make this refund within the specified period, the buyer may claim double the amount owed, without prejudice to their right to be indemnified.

VIII. Right of Withdrawal, Returns, and Claims

The buyer has a minimum period of fourteen calendar days to withdraw, starting from the day the customer receives the product, without any penalty and without indicating the reasons.

The exercise of the right of withdrawal must be carried out by notifying us through one of the following methods: by phone at 962361097, by email at info@clientes.joumma.com, sending a written notice to our postal address PG. IND. EL ALTET C/ LA AGRILLENT S/N APTD.388 46870, ONTINYENT (VALENCIA), or by using the withdrawal form.

As established in Article 103 of Law 3/2014, of March 27, which amends the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, the supply of services or goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized, or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or may deteriorate or expire rapidly, are exempt from withdrawal.



JOUMMA BAGS SL will arrange for the collection of the product.

The customer must return or deliver the product directly to JOUMMA BAGS SL at the address PG. IND. EL ALTET C/ LA AGRILLENT S/N APTD.388 46870, ONTINYENT (VALENCIA), without undue delay and in any event within fourteen calendar days from the date on which the customer communicates the withdrawal from the contract. The deadline is met if the customer returns the product before the fourteen-day period expires.

The customer will bear the costs of returning the product.

In any case, the products to be returned must be in perfect condition, unused, and in their original packaging. Therefore, to avoid transportation issues, please ensure that the package is properly protected and sealed. Once we receive the item(s), we will inspect their condition. Upon verifying that the item(s), as well as any components, accessories, promotional gifts, and documentation, are complete and in perfect condition, we will proceed to refund the amount paid.


X. Refund of Payment

The refund of the amounts received by the customer will be made using the same payment method employed by the customer, unless otherwise specified. If the order has been paid by cash on delivery (COD), the customer must provide a bank account number for the refund.

JOUMMA BAGS SL may withhold the refund until the goods have been received, or until the customer provides proof of return of the goods, whichever condition is fulfilled first.

In case of unjustified delay by JOUMMA BAGS SL in the refund of the amounts paid, the customer may claim double the sums paid, without prejudice to the right to be compensated for damages and losses suffered that exceed said amount.


XI. Return of Defective Product

JOUMMA BAGS SL will bear the costs of the return.

If the product is not in good condition and the causes attributable to it are not due to the customer, the customer shall have the right to return the product, informing JOUMMA BAGS SL of the reason for return through any of the means provided in these terms and conditions, and at no cost to the customer. This return due to a defect or poor condition of the product shall not be considered a right of withdrawal.

JOUMMA BAGS SL undertakes to bear the cost of the return and to replace the product with a new one in accordance with the conditions accepted at the time of sale.

If the customer wishes to file a complaint, JOUMMA BAGS SL's establishment is located at PG. IND. EL ALTET C/ LA AGRILLENT S/N APTD.388 46870, ONTINYENT (VALENCIA), or can be reached via email at info@clientes.joumma.com.


XII. Jurisdiction.

Furthermore, JOUMMA BAGS SL reserves the right to bring civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate for the misuse of its website and content or for failure to comply with these terms.

The relationship between the user and the provider shall be governed by current Spanish regulations applicable in Spanish territory. In the event of any dispute, the parties may submit their conflicts to arbitration or resort to ordinary jurisdiction in accordance with the rules on jurisdiction and competence in this regard. JOUMMA BAGS SL is domiciled in VALENCIA, Spain.

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